Zajímáš se o Smart City a nebo IoT? Jsi programátor, developer, kodér, IT specialista, designér, produkťák, nebo máš k těmto oborům blízko?Spoj se s námi a společně odkryjeme, proč je oblast IoT tak z…
Hackers in and around Prague! You're invited to attend the APInauts conference and learn about API technology. You'll learn about the WebAPI platform and the associated SDK and then be able to partici…
Hackers in and around Prague! You're invited to attend the APInauts conference and learn about API technology. You'll learn about the WebAPI platform and the associated SDK and then be able to partici…
Struggled to buy tickets for an event because it was sold out as soon as it went on sale?
Paid a lot more than the original ticket price to see your favourite artist live?
Wanted to share tickets wi…
Blueberry připravuje #blueberryMeetUp v nové, letní, volnější podobě. V takové mini verzi. V naší kanceláři. Po práci.
Tématem budou úspěšné projekty letního Blueberry hackathonu, na který se vydalo 1…
Wanna see how far you can take an idea in 36 hours?Sign up for #HackPrague, a weekend-long hackathon with over 4000 EUR in prizes! For a weekend in June, we will be gathering 150 passionate developers…
English version below.
Pro koho je Food Waste Hackathon?
Food Waste Hackathon je pro všechny, kteří chtějí přijít s nápady pro mobilní a webové aplikace které pomohou v České republice snížit plýtván…
Virtual reality, IoT techies! Come and participate in the #AIMTEChackathon 2017. You'll collaborate with the best-of-the-best and work with virtual reality, drones, robots and Internet of Things gad…
Novice developers! Interested in virtual reality development? & AVAST invite you to sign up and participate in the VR Hackathon. This will be your opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes vie…