The Campus Community Hackathon brings together coders, entrepreneurs, tech evangelists, entrepreneurs, UX superheroes and data fanatics. Join us for our first hackathon to work on digital solutions an…
Campus Community Mobility Hackathon: Shape the future with new ideas!
A hackathon is an event in which participants with different kinds of expertise come together to solve chall…
New Tech in Media
Ihr interessiert euch für Design, seid angehende oder fertig abgeschlossene Developer, Journalisten oder Medien-Enthusiasten? Dann seid ihr gefragt!…
PwC is looking for students who can implement creative ideas! Exchange ideas with us over a cold mate tea and prepare yourself for your next career step. Together with your team, you have two days to …
This three-day coding event, which starts on Monday, 25 November 2019, is a unique opportunity for you to work closely with IT and risk management experts from the ECB and other EU central banks.
Six teams - one challenge: Together in teams you will work on different modules for resolving one big challenge. The common goal: an automated loading of an electric car at a charging station and the …