Hacking for Humanity Romania 2018
The Girls in Tech Hackathon is a 2.5 days code-a-thon where developers, designers, students, entrepreneurs and educators gather to collaborate on projects including …
Are you a developer? Get rewarded for your coding skills! If you have talent and you're passionate, sign up for the Modex Hackathon!Schedule, 16-17 of June:11:00 - Welcoming12:00 - Modex Overview12:1…
Pe 8-11 martie #reCONSTRUIM!
4 zile – 1200 de specialiști – 4 capitole majore de interes general
#reCONSTRUIM afirmă nevoia unei reevaluări a priorităților profesionale și a prioritățil…
Are you a developer? Get rewarded for your coding skills! If you have talent, sign up for the Modex Hackathon, take the challenge and earn 1,500 Modex tokens.
Join us at the Modex Hackathon this Sunda…
Romanian AI hackers! Are you competitive and do you like programming and artificial intelligence? Think you can build a winning, unbeatable robot? Then The Ultimate RoboCode Tournament by METRO - Buch…