Techies in Singapore! If you're interested in becoming a data scientist, then Code for Asia invites you to participate in CodeCircles @BLOCK71 Singapore. You'll get to meet like-minded individuals and…
Techies in Singapore! If you're interested in becoming a data scientist, then Code for Asia invites you to participate in CodeCircles @BLOCK71 Singapore. You'll get to meet like-minded individuals an…
Programmers, engineers, entrepreneurs, business minds, product designers, and makers in Singapore! You're invited to participate in the #STARTINGUP 2017 #STARTATHON -- a 30-hour intense innovation ev…
Singaporeans! Are you interested in projects that help the common good? You're invited to participate in the #HACK weekend hackathon. You don't have to be a techie! Yes, you may be a developer, but…
MoveIt hackers in Singapore! The ROS-Industrial Asian Pacific Consortium invites you to participate in their World MoveIt! Day Hackathon. You'll collaborate with like-minded techies to close as many p…
Hackers in Singapore! Are you planning to participate in the HDB Cool Ideas Hack 2017 innovation challenge? The first step is the Launch event, where you will learn about the challenges you'll be f…
Techie students in Singapore. You're invited to participate in What The HACK at the Singapore University of Technology and Design. Come as a team or join one at the event. You'll be challenged to com…
Startup techies and entrepreneurs in Singapore! Think you've got a great idea for a startup? Techstars Startup Programs invites you to participate in their Startup Weekend Singapore Mega. At this 5…
Are you ready yet for Startup Weekend Singapore Mega 2017? Exclusively for event participants only, we have put together an amazing SWSG Masterclass (FREE!!) to help you get all fired up and ready to…
Advance to the next Scratch Level
Level Up your Scratch skills: Scratch 2 is a natural progression for students to hone their skills from Scratch 1. Your child will be able to reiterate concepts with …