Buscamos programadores, desarrolladores, expertos en UX y UI, ingenieros, emprendedores, analistas, etc. Para formar equipos de trabajo interdisciplinares de entre 6 y 8 Hackathons…
Data Transparency Lab organizes its second Hackathon, a 11h event to work together on building tools that help educating users on the importance of privacy and transparency.
Total amount of prizes: €5…
CITYTHON Barcelona 2018
Are you a master’s degree or postgraduate student in Telecommunications, Data Science, Urban Planning, Architecture, History, Sociology, or Cultural Management?
Try to solve B…
The Catalonia DroneCamp 2018 is meant for those who are thinking of releasing new projects related to the Drone Field. The initiative, funded by a European Social Fund through the Generalitat of Catal…
Are you curious about how IoT development works? Have you been thinking about building an IoT project? Or maybe you're already an experienced hardware hacker looking to take your skills to the next le…
KSchool & BYHOURS celebran su primer Hackathon en Barcelona centrado en el mundo de la Usabilidad y la Experiencia de Usuario
Los amantes de la tecnología y el UX tienen una cita ineludible el próx…
SymbIoTe and BIG IoT, part of the IoT European Platforms Initiative (IoT-EPI), have partnered to provide this opportunity for IoT enthusiasts and creative application developers to use several interop…
Want to try the new trendy IoT protocol?
What is it
We organise a one-day hackathon at the IoT Solutions World Congress on the 17th of October, in the Congress area ROOM 5.3 (CC5). The hackathon is …
Official event page for students
About the Hackathon - Connect with Purpose
To foster entrepreneurial spirit, SAP offers students the opportunity to participate in free hackathons and other coding c…
¿Quieres participar en un proyecto innovador? ¿Mejorar la vida de las trabajadoras domésticas? ¿Participar en una App para promocionar la economía de cuidados?
Participa en la Hackatón el 16 de jun…
¿Quieres impulsar tu proyecto de moda o diseño?
La Hackathon #GoDesign es una jornada de formación intensiva donde aprenderás a concretar, crear, presentar y comunicar una campaña de crowdfunding para…