Join us for our monthly hackathon to work on the open source Collaboration Tree (cTree) demo site: a collaborative design/innovation web platform. Work with other contributors in LA and online to dev…
Capitol Royale is a creativity and innovation marathon held at the historic Capitol Studios in the heart of Hollywood.
Live for 2-DAYS on Twitch, the event features a music hackathon, an ideas summit,…
Applications are due October 10!
Calling all data scientists, designers, neuroscientists, idea people, coders, data engineers, business builders and app developers!
First DV Hacks tackled blockchain, …
Interested in harnessing the power of connected cars? Join us at the Code AutoMobility LA, hosted by Visa and GM, and improve the world around the driving experience! The event includes a $90,000 priz…
Brandathon is THE hackathon for branding.
See what happens when talented creatives from the worlds of strategy, copy and design compete to rebrand early stage companies with mentorship from awesome fo…
재미과학기술자협회 남가주지부(KSEA-SC), 미주중앙일보(K-Daily), SoCal K-Group가 주최하고, SoDAVi, LA 총영사관이 후원하는 소프트웨어 해커톤을 개최합니다.
해커톤 기간: 2018년 11월 17일 오전 9시 – 11월 18일 오후 1시
해커톤 장소: 미주중앙일보 갤러리 (690 Wilshire Place, LA, CA, 9000…
Free pizza for lunch!!!
Get started with the new web components standard and Google's Polymer web components framework as part of an open source project: the Collaboration Tree. Web components allow …
Free pizza for lunch!!!
Join us for our monthly hackathon to work on the open source Collaboration Tree (cTree) demo site: a collaborative design/innovation web platform. Work with other contributors…
DESCRIPTIONYou are welcome to participate in the Los Angeles World Blockchain Hackathon [October 20th-21st] that will take place @USC and become a member of the decentralized blockchain workforce liv…
Join us for a special Hacktoberfest event to work on the open source Collaboration Tree (cTree) demo site: a collaborative design/innovation web platform. We're doing a big push to get an MVP ready fo…