Interested in data privacy? Come and participate in the hack day that the Data Transparency Lab is hosting alongside the DTL 2016 conference. The theme of the hack day's is “User Education on Privac…
New York area high school hackers! Come and strut your stuff at the def hacks() Hackathon in New York City. This is a hackathon for kids, organized and run by kids! It's open to all levels of coders …
Harlem Business Alliance’s HackHarlem is a day long hackathon dedicated to using technology to build a better Harlem. The first of multiple events will take place on November 19th in NYC at Creat…
Civic tech enthusiasts, data scientists, analysts, students in and around New York City! Want to play with new data to find insights that could help New York City? Sign up to participate in the NYC Co…
Have an app idea or need an app built for your business? Whether you are a backend person, designer, entrepreneur, student, or just interested in tech, you are invited to attend this special IoT-focus…
Whether you are a bootstrapped founder, engineer, doctor, PhD scientist, business hacker, or student, you are invited to join this must attend Hackathon. Global Startup Hackathon is open to anyone who…
Musicians and sound engineers! Come along to the monthly Music Hackathon NYC. This month's topic is Music Education. It's a free, non-competitive monthly all-day event for participants to create new…
NGA’s Expedition: Hackathon is looking for the best data explorers and developer storytellers in the US to finally find stories lying in disparate databases all over. These seldom used mountains of d…
Interested in statistics and how to communicate them to the world at large? Come and participate in StatFest 2016 - Illuminating Statistics via Dashboard, a hackathon sponsored by the Columbia Univer…
So you're not a coder? Here's a hackathon for you! ProtoHack exists to show non-coders that they can create something amazing from nothing. Sign up today for this code-free event. Instead you will…