Showing results 1 to 10 out of 16
24 Nov - 07:00 PM
Oulu, Finland
Brandathon – So you think you can brand? 24.-25.11.2017 Brandathon -tapahtuma haastaa opiskelijat, yritykset sekä markkinoinnin ammattilaiset mukaan luomaan menestysbrändejä.Kyseessä on kaksipäiväinen hackathon, jossa opiskelijatiimit ideoivat luovia ratkaisuja case-yritysten brändihaasteisiin asiantuntijoiden ohjauksessa. Parhaat tiimit palkitaan! Tapahtuma järjestetään Business Kitchenillä yhteistyössä Oulun kauppakorkeakoulun, BusinessOulun ja Oulu Entrepreneurship Societyn kanssa. Tapahtuma tarjoaa lisäksi kiinnostavia puhujia sekä ruokaa ja juomaa.  Lisätietoja tapahtumasta sekä tarkemmat case-kuvaukset ja aikataulu: Early bird lippuja saatavilla 8.11.2017 saakka. Varaa paikkasi hyvissä ajoin, sillä paikkoja on rajoitetusti! MITÄ: Kaksipäiväinen brändihackathon KENELLE: Kaikille brändäämisestä, markkinoinnista ja luovuudesta kiinnostuneille  MILLOIN: 24.-25.11.2017 MISSÄ: Business Kitchen, Tellus Innovation Arena, Oulun yliopisto, Erkki Koiso-Kanttilan katu 1 MIKSI: Pääset työskentelemään mielenkiintoisten brändien parissa sekä rakentamaan uusia menestystarinoita, oppimaan ammattilaisilta ja tapaamaan tulevaisuuden työnantajia. MITÄ MAKSAA: 10/15€ (Kulut kattavat ruuat ja juomat!)   ---------------------------- In English ---------------------------- Brandathon – So you think you can brand? 24.-25.11.2017 Brandathon is a two-day “hackathon”-style event that brings together companies and future talents to come up with creative solutions for the case companies’ brand related challenges and to co-create future brand sensations. The best teams will be awarded! The event is organized at Business Kitchen in co-operation Oulu Business School, BusinessOulu and Oulu Entrepreneurship Society. And of course we have interesting keynote speeches, food and drinks. Registration, more information and case Early bird tickets available until 8th November.  Book your ticket in time, the places are limited! WHAT: Two-day branding hackathon TO WHOM: Anyone interested in branding, marketing and creativity WHEN: 24.-25.11.2017 WHERE: Business Kitchen Tellus Erkki Koiso-Kanttilan katu 1 90570 University of Oulu WHY: A chance to build interesting brands, learn from experienced marketing professionals, and network with possible future employers COSTS: 10€/15€ (The fee covers food and drinks!) REGISTRATION: Get your tickets through Eventbrite
    Newsrooms meet A.I. hackathon
    23 Nov - 05:00 PM
    Mannerheimintie, Finland
    Aalto University students and post-graduates in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning! EzyInsights invites you to participate in their Newsrooms meet A.I. Hackathon. You'll be faced with two sets of problems and data related to 'fake news' and be challenged to come up with potential approaches to solve the problem and develop an initial analysis and prototype solutions.
    WHISTL: JYVÄSKYLÄ - A Medical Device Hackathon!
    01 Nov - 09:00 AM
    Jyväskylä, Finland
    Novasano, together with MDISS, Synopsys, the University of Jyväskylä and Jyväskylä Hospital invite you to join us for the WHISTL: JYVÄSKYLÄ Medical Device Hackathon on 1-2 November 2017! Visit Jyväskylä's very first World Health Information Security Testing Lab (WHISTL) facility, with actual medical device targets and an impressive array of advanced penetration tools to help you evaluate medical device cybersecurity, resilience, vulnerabilities and patching.    SNACKS!       DRINKING!!       MEDI-DIGITAL MAYHEM!         PRIZES!!!!! This is a great place to catch up with the scene and network with other experts in and around the medical device security field.   The WHISTL: JYVÄSKYLÄ Medical Device Hackathon is free of charge.    Join us! THINGS TO BRING 'N STUFF:1.) Please bring your own laptop.2.) Feel free to bring any open source or commercial hacking tools you have along with you. 3.) Novasano engineers will be on hand to offer advice and suggest genius hacks.4.) If you have time, take a look at the devices we plan to have onsite (links below). This list is subject to change, and we'd love your suggestions.5.) If you are not familiar with the SYNOPSYS tools, get up to speed fast with the video tutorial links below. DAY ONE AGENDA:  1 NOV 09:00   Doors open, people welcome to come in and work on getting tools installed. 10:00   Hackathon starts with brief introduction and getting familiar with the tools and devices. Form groups and start hacking. 17:30   SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER talks about medical device vulnerabilites DAY TWO AGENDA: 2 NOV 10:00 Hackathon continues 15:00 Wrap up & Awarding of Prizes 16:00 Hackathon Ends __________ Medical Devices on Hand for Your Pleasure and Experimentation(SUBJECT TO CHANGE) We'll have quite a nice selection of medical devices available on-site. The devices vary from infusion pumps to patient monitoring and infusion therapy devices, with connectivity ranging from RS-232 to ethernet and Bluetooth LE.  Please find below a list of planned devices, along with links to their manuals/websites/datasheets, so that you can start preparing your attacks! :-) Philips IntelliVue MX800 Fresenius Agilia Link 8+, Volumat MC and Injectomat MC B.Braun SpaceStation, Perfusor Space and Infusomat Space GE Healthcare Carescape -series device Monidor Monidrop Philips CX50 SYNOPSYS TESTING AND ANALYSIS TOOLS FOR YOU! Synopsys will provide you with access to Defensics fuzz testing and Protecode software composition analysis tools. Learn more about Synopsys Defensics and have a look at the video tutorials at Also, feel free to bring any open source tools, or commercial tools you have licensed with you. RESPONSIBLE DISCLOSURE We kindly ask all participants to follow responsible disclosure best practices. For your hosts, responsible and coordinated disclosure is very important. MDISS will collect all vulnerabilities found during the hackathon and report them to the vendor. If you want your name mentioned in a potential security advisory, please let us know. MDISS will be using the MD-VIPER portal for this: The vendors may be interested in talking directly to the person(s) who have found a vulnerability, in order to get more information.  Maybe you'll get a job offer out of it ;-) CONTACT INFO / QUESTIONS Email MDISS at  
      Insomnia IoT Hackathon
      27 Oct - 05:00 PM
      Pori, Finland
      Internet of Things. Hieno sana, mutta mitä se on ja miten sitä voisi hyödyntää päivittäisessä elämässä? Haluatko oppia aiheen perusteet nopealla ja hauskalla tavalla? Verkkopeliyhdistys Insomnia ry, ComBounD ry ja VIRE LABS järjestävät kaikille maksuttoman, 24-tuntisen koodaustapahtuman Porin Karhuhallissa 27.-28.10.2017. Tapahtumassa pääset itse ideoimaan, suunnittelemaan ja toteuttamaan prototyypin siitä, miten IoT voisi auttaa sinua arkielämässä. Samalla osallistut kilpailuun, jossa ideasi voi ansaita sinulle ja tiimillesi palkinnon! Kerää 1-4 henkilön tiimi ja haasta itsesi oppimaan IoT:n perusteet tekemällä, ja itse oivaltamalla. Mukaan tarvitset vain tietokoneen ja reipasta mieltä! Et tarvitse edes aiempaa kokemusta aiheesta.
        Eduhack #2
        27 Oct - 02:00 PM
        Tampere, Finland
        Eduhack #2 will take place at Tribe Tampere, Finland from 27 - 29 October 2017. As part of our ongoing mission to provide school students with the opportunity to work alongside professionals, we will welcome the broadest range of participants you’ll find at any educational hackathon. Join us to discover what value you can add to the process of innovation in education. Event website:
          19 Sep - 08:30 AM
          Helsinki, Finland
          Miten rakennetaan poikkeuksellisen hyvä digitaalinen asiakaskokemus juuri nyt? Tule kuulemaan, miten saavutetaan miljoonan uniikin verkkokävijän raja, miten digitaalisia palveluita markkinoidaan ja mitä hyötyä on hackathoneista ja co-design-työpajoista! Tämä tapahtuma on suunnattu ja tarkoitettu erityisesti pääkaupunkiseudun yritysten digi- ja markkinointipäättäjille. Olet erittäin lämpimästi tervetullut mukaan tapahtumaan! Kutsu on henkilökohtainen, mutta voit tarvittaessa välittää sen aiheesta kiinnostuneelle kollegalle. Tapahtumassa on rajallinen määrä paikkoja, joten toimi ripeästi, jos haluat mukaan! ASIAKASKOKEMUKSEN YTIMEEN! -TAPAHTUMAN OHJELMA 19.9.2017 8.30 – 9.00  Aamukahvit & verkostoitumista 9.00 – 9.30  CASE 1: Hackathon ja työpajat osallistamisen välineinä. Palvelumuotoilulla strategiasta johdettuihin tavoitteisiin! 9.30 – 10.00  CASE 2: Digitaalisen palvelun lanseeraus ja markkinointi. Millainen lähestymistapa toimii digipalveluiden markkinoinnissa? 10.00 – 10.30  CASE 3: Yli miljoona uniikkia verkkokävijää vuodessa! Miten eräs tunnettu suomalainen organisaatio sen saavutti? 10.30 – 11.00  Pentagon Design Oy:n puheenvuoro. Tapahtuma päättyy. TERVETULOA! Huomioithan, että ilmoittautuminen tapahtumaan on sitova! Peruutusoikeus viimeistään 7 vrk ennen tapahtumaa eli mahdolliset peruutukset on ilmoitettava viimeistään 12.9.2017 sähköpostitse, osoitteella Järjestäjä Steps Helsinki Oy pidättää oikeuden periä peruutustapauksessa osallistumismaksusta 50%.
            AEC Hackathon Tampere
            01 Sep - 06:00 PM
            Tampere, Finland
            Professionals in the Finnish AEC community—developers, UI/UX designers, civil engineers, built environment professionals! You're invited to take part in the AEC Hackathon Tampere. Come and collaborate at this 48-hour event. Join with fellow professionals from the Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC) sector! Create a cutting-edge solution that can revolutionize the design, construction, and maintenance of the built environment. Pick your challenge from the following: User experience in Kampusareena challenge by KIRA-digi Digital cities challenge by PTA Productivity challenge by Fira + recurring AEC Hackathon challenges Collaborate and compete for prizes in categories for the best overall project, the best project that solves a big AEC problem, and the best hack from a past event. Visit our tips pageto make sure you're best prepared for your AEC hackathon experience!
            Elsevier Hacks 2017
            25 Aug - 12:00 AM
            Helsinki, Finland
            Elsevier Hacks ‘17 is happening! The 48-hour hackathon will take place in Helsinki, Finland over the weekend of August 25th - 27th. Elsevier has tasked participants with identifying today’s challenges in medical education, and developing innovative mobile or web solutions to solve them. First place winners will receive $6000 in cash + $250 in tech. Second place winners will receive $500 in tech. Awesome goodies and spot prizes guarantees everyone will go home with some of 2017’s coolest gadgets! Medical students from around the globe, currently enrolled in University, are invited to register to participate. Students, whose applications are selected by Elsevier, will be offered travel and accommodation provisions for the trip. Finnish developers and designers are also invited to register. Each team will need their coding and design expertise to build great prototypes.
            Graffathon 2017
            30 Jun - 06:00 PM
            Espoo, Finland
            Graffathon is a three-day computer graphics hackathon aimed for novices. Every participant will create a computer program that produces a non-interactive multimedia presentation also known as demo. The event is targeted at real beginners who have no previous graphics coding and/or demoscene experience. The demos can be made in small groups of two or three people. One can also make the demo by themselves or find a group at the event. The program consists of helpful presentations and workshops which guide you on how to create your first demo. In addition, we teach you the basics of demoscene and democulture. Please note that this event is for ages 18 and up.
              Hackathon - AI and machine learning meet sales processes
              19 Jun - 05:00 PM
              Espoo, Finland
              Get a life (not just a job) - Hackathon for Aalto University students and post-graduates in AI & ML. The topic is application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in B2B sales process and market/customer segmentation. We provide two sets of data, problem statements and food & drinks. Participants are able to analyse the data, come up with potential approaches for solving the business problem and get to develop first iterations of the analysis and solutions. Best solutions and performers are rewarded. The space is limited so be quick to enroll! Best, Tapio Nissilä and Niko Ylänen