Fitness is the new fashion! Let's find new solutions to help more people to stay fit, reach their sports goals and integrate healthy habits in their daily routine.…
Mobility developers, designers, and creatives! You're invited to participate in the DBhackathon # 8 @DBmindbox Berlin. You'll be challenged to use the Deutsche Bahne open data portal to create an inno…
Are you interested in identity services and payments? Do you want to be an early adopter and innovator with the verimi trust platform? You're invited to participate in the Speed Up: Verimi Sprint to b…
Young technical students, graduates, and professionals in and around Hamburg! You're invited to sign up to participate in the HackAdemy Hamburg innovation boot camp. In this 2-day workshop event, you'…
Ein Hackathon an "Nikolaus"!Der Fokus liegt auf Microsoft Technologien.Was ihr auf dem Hackathon aber bastelt, ist vollkommen euch überlassen. Gesichts- und Spracherkennung über die Microsoft Cognitiv…
Techies and hackers in Germany! Do you have some innovative ideas on how technology can disrupt the grocery shopping sector? and PionierGarage eV invite you to participate in the HCK E-Fo…
Line up:
Doors open 6.30pm // start 7pm
1.) Retailbanking 2020 - A winner takes it all market? (Alex Michel - Dwins GmbH)
The speaker of our first talk has been member of our community for quite a …
An exciting weekend of interdisciplinary competition focused on creating new technology-based solutions for unmet needs in healthcare.
Multidisciplinary teams will develop solutions to one of three …
Wir suchen euch für eine spannende Challenge. Seid dabei, wenn wir beim innogy Hackathon echte Probleme lösen. Ihr habt die Chance euch für die Pilotierung eurer Idee bei der innogy SE zu qualifiziere…
Graph Database Hackathon 2017Das ultimative Event für die Graph Database CommunityAlles was zählt, ist Deine Kreativität. Nimm an unserem Graph Database Hackathon in Eschborn teil und nutze die Chance…
Our Hackvention Event Series is made up of three different parts: the hackvention experience tour, the hackvention creative lab and the hackvention summit.
Our Experience Tour will take you to all th…