Share us your ideas on how we can use ICT in providing the PNP a Secured, Mobile, AI-driven, Real-time, Technology (S.M.A.R.T) PNP Camps, Real-time verification of Vehicle Clearances, Forensic and Crime Laboratory Information Systems.
CHALLENGE:Camp BGen Rafael T Crame is home to the National Headquarters of the PNP and almost all National Support Units of the PNP. It is visited by not less than 3000 people from all walks of life either via walk-in or by vehicle. Most of them come because of the request for issuance of clearances such as vehicle clearance, drug test clearance and neuro-psychiatric clearance. These are requirements for the security guard license, firearms license or permit-to-carry firearms outside residence (PTCFOR) license. Once allowed to enter, the base police cannot monitor anymore where these people are and whether they actually went to the intended office. The vehicles on the other hand are not automatically checked whether it is a hot car or was put in alarm in the Highway Patrol Group Information System. The Base Police also cannot monitor whether the visitors actually went to the Firearms and Explosive Office, Crime Lab, Neuro-Psych Section or PTCFOR office to seek intended clearances.EXPECTED OUTPUT: Information System about the above mentioned topics1. Camp Security / Smart Camp2. Vehicle Clearance Info Sys3. Drug Test and Neuro-Psychiatric Information SystemPROGRAMMING LANGUAGE: Open to all although open source is preferableDATE : October 14, 2019–October 15, 2019 @ 8:00AM-10:00PMVENUE: Multi-Purpose Center, Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon CityTEAM COMPOSITION: Minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 per team. Only one member per team should register. It can be composed of front end developer, back end developer, graphic artist, and business development person. You can combine students, professors and professionals. The team must bring their own laptop and extension cords. PRIZES:1st – P 50,0002nd – P 30,0003rd – P 20,000For other details, please contact PLTCOL MA ANGELA M SALAYA at 09228272703 / 0926-888132Or email the following details at alm27ph@yahoo.comTeam Name: _______________Info of ALL members:1. Full Name (First, Middle, Last) & Nickname2. 2x2 ID Picture3. Address4. Cellphone Number5. School (please write even if you already graduated) 6. Company (if currently working)7. Position/Designation8. Email addressNOTE:The slot for team is on FIRST COME-FIRST SERVE basis. Non-submission of team members' info within 5 days after getting the ticket will result in invalidation of the opportunity to participate in the competition.