The Gerrit Community is happy to announce the Gerrit User Summit & Hackathon 2019 - THE event of the year for everything related to Gerrit Code Review and the trunk-based development pipeline.
We would like to thank Volvo Cars and GerritForge for having offered the venues and sponsorship this year on both sides of the Atlantic.Gerrit User Summit USA - Autumn 2019Location/Venue Name: GerritForge Inc. HQDate/Time: 16 Nov - 08:00 AM PDT to 17 Nov - 06:00 PM PDTAddress/Location Information: The Satellite Suite 200, 100 S Murphy Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, USA Link to MapThe event starts with a 5-days Hackathon 11-15th November reserved for the current Gerrit contributors and maintainers plus anyone that is willing to start contributing to the platform.It will then follow with a 2-days summit 16-17th November opened to all the members of the community or who is willing to learn and adopt Gerrit Code Review in their development process.