Hackathon@PMRexpo 2023

Organized by COREVAS
Koelnmesse, Deutz-Mülheimer Str. 51, Köln
From Nov 28th 2023
To Nov 30th 2023
Hackathon@PMRExpo: AI-supported Solutions for Effective Crisis Management
See the website


Artificial intelligence and applications based on it, such as ChatGPT and chatbots, are advancing and of great interest in communications technology. This technology may considerably improve communication and coordination in crises and emergency situations.

The inaugural Hackathon@PMRExpo is aimed at exhibitors, visitors, and those interested in PMRExpo, bringing together the brightest tech talents to collectively tackle a challenge: AI-supported solutions with the potentieal to improve crisis management, assist in decision making and increase the general effectiveness of communication in critical situations. Promoting a responsible use of artificial intelligence plays a pivotal role here.

Hackathonists may expect a 48-hour design and coding marathon with lots of fun and networking opportunities, but also cash rewards, free food & accommodation, access to state of the art technologies from partners and free access to the PMRExpo 2023.

Visitors of the PMRExpo 2023 may feel invited to connect with the Hackathonists throughout the event and serve the organizers as a distinct Jury 30th November noon time, when the final presentations will be held on the main stage of the PMRExpo.

Location: Koelnmesse

Invitation Link: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/hackathonpmrexpo-2023-powered-by-corevas-tickets-677240533667

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