Indigitous #HACK is an innovative and unique opportunity to get involved in the intersection of technology, faith and the common good. Join this exciting event to collaborate on solutions for large-scale issues facing our present world. Come unleash your potential as a technologist or creative in a growing community who is passionate about using God-given talents for good on a global scale. Find a challenge of interest below and register so you can play a significant part in how God’s changing the world.FAQs
FOOD & SNACKSFood & Snacks are provided for the whole duration of the event. Plus overflowing coffee and sweets.CAN I STAY AT THE VENUE?Yes you can stay for the whole duration of the hackathon. We will provide a sleeping/rest area. You can also bring your own sleeping bag or sleeping matress.IS THERE A SHOWER ROOM?Yes! No worries.WHAT IS UNIQUE ABOUT INDIGITOUS #HACK?We are focused on inviting people to meet the missional gap, seeing the Great Commission fulfilled through technology and digital strategies.CAN I BOOK A ROOM?Yes. If you want to stay at the same hotel, we have a special rate for #Hack participants.WHAT IF IM NOT A HACKER?You don’t have to be a geek coder to participate, you just have to be curious and willing to learn.WHAT IF IM NOT A CHRISTIAN?While #Hack is explicitly Christian, participants from any (or no) faith background are openly welcomed.WHAT IF I CAN'T NOT PARTICIPATE PHYSICALLY?You join Indigitous #Hack virtually. Register at CHALLENGES SUMMARYBibleBox Pi (#bibleboxpi) by Missionary Aviation Fellowship (MAF)God’s word is the most important tool we can use when sharing the Gospel with others. Help us port the BibleBox software to the Raspberry Pi, optimizing it for use on the low-power, commodity hardware platform so that workers in all fields can use it to share the Gospel digitally. Cyberbullying (#cyberbullying) by World VisionToo many children have been the victim of cyberbullying. How can we identify, prevent, and stop cyberbullying of children, deter those likely to commit it, empower bystanders to take action, and develop a resilient and effective support networks of peers, parents, caregivers, schools, industry leaders and trusted adults to support children affected by it.Grassroots Impact (#grassrootsimpact) by EMFGod only has one plan for your city - the local church. How can we work with local churches to discover common needs and empower our global audiences and networks to affect change in their communities?Stop Sexting (#stopsexting) by World VisionTens of thousands of children have been caught up in a sexting epidemic. How we can encourage minors to think before they sext, to take the conversation offline and ensure images designed to be private remain that way, or to discourage them from participating in the first place.Scripture App Publishing (#scripturepub) by Wycliffe USALanguage-specific apps help people engage with content. How can we make them in the hundreds of languages we have without having to hand-code hundreds of apps? Help redesign tooling and infrastructure on existing tools to allow mass publication of scripture and other content in hundreds of languages all at once.Child at Risk System (#childatrisk) by Family Connection FoundationMany orphanages do not have the resources or expertise to create or procure software necessary to manage their operations. Develop a reporting and information management system that allows children’s home directors, foster parents, orphanage managers, and social service workers to collect, input, process, and report on children's data. The secure, web-based open source solution will help facilitates provide better services to children, reduce administrative overhead, and provide better accountability while protecting the private data of eachchild.Digital Bible Coaching (#biblecoaching) by IndigitousDigitally coaching someone around a passage of Scripture is challenging but important for discipleship. Imagine a place where someone can share Scripture, have a conversation around it, and know if they have read it or not.Radio Advocacy Network (#radionetwork) by EMF Cultivating and sustaining a network of people who want to make a difference in the world network requires a dedicated effort but can have significant impact. How can we best convert an existing listening audience of millions to a real time need-based advocate network? For example, how could we leverage technology to mobilize people to care for their neighbor?Jesus in the Media (#jesusinthemedia) by EMFThe news is often depressing, focusing on reporting negative news instead of positive stories and thereby engendering fear instead of hope. How can the attributes of Jesus be shown through media in relevant ways where His attributes can be tied to things happening in the local communities and provide a way for Christians to “live out” these attributes in relevant ways?Low-Connectivity Challenge (#lowconnectivity) by Jesus Film ProjectA significant ratio of the world’s population are still offline without an internet connection. Low connectivity is not only an inconvenience, but it's a marker of inequality as well. How do we creatively use existing tools designed for remote and isolated areas to share information, take advantage of local situations, and share the gospel effectively?Gospel Storytelling (#gospelstorytelling) by jesus.netMedia has become an essential part of our daily lives, shaping our worldview and strengthening of society. Using a set of existing Gospel-focused video products, how can you extend their impact in new and creative ways to help non-believers take their first step towards Jesus.Bridge Builders (#bridgebuilders) by #Hack BostonWe are creating a space where relational bridges can be built where they have not been thought of before. We want to connect missionally minded professionals around the world with information and opportunities in regions that are considered “unreached”. By understanding the economy that makes up an unreached area we can know how missionally minded individuals could work, live in areas they may have only prayed for from a distance. By joining the data sources of Joshua Project (JP), US macroeconomic data and worldwide trade data, how can we create a full “economic picture” for “unreached” areas to widen the impact and placement of missionally minded followers of Christ. OUR MENTORS Jonathan Ang NetSuite Inc PS Consultant Alvin Edwald Chan Mashup Garage Strategist Jonathan Earl Lansangan Dynamic Objx Labs COO Jeff Lucas yesHeis Country Coordinator Mike Medlin UCB Media Philippines Executive Director Glenn Santos Founder Bernard So DLSU Professor 2009-2013 Computer Engineer Jomar Tigcal GDG Philippines Community Manager Prudy Verzo YouVersion Bible App Regional Coordinator