Open Weekend

Organized by Open Labs
Denver, Denver
From Sep 22nd 2018
To Sep 24th 2018
See the website


The Open Weekend is a biannual event that brings together tech and startup employees living with brain conditions (mental illnesses), companies making a difference in brain health, and community leaders who speak about what it means to live, work, and thrive, with a brain condition.

Join us for an alternative Hackathon on Saturday, Community building day on Sunday, and the Brain Crawl tech demos and speakers on Monday!

Alternative Hackathon

Saturday, September 22nd all day 

Light breakfast, snacks, and lunch will be provided

9:00am Check In

9:15 am Welcome

10:00 am Presentations

12:30 pm Lunch

1:00 pm Afternoon activites

5:30 pm Session ends

All are welcome, no matter your skillset to join an project/experiment group to discover way to create a stigma-free, open world.

- Experiment demonstrations and learnings

- Workshop to create new experiments

- Final demos of experiments

- Companies or people who want to be engaged in a substantive way beyond the experiment day can review the business partnerships

Community Day

Sunday, May 20th, Morning 

Social day with meditation and wellness actvities for those who want unstructured time with their new community! Friends and family are welcome.

Brain Crawl at Denver Startup Week

Monday, Sept 24th 

Part 1

Learn about the latest technology and innovations in brain/mental health.

Part 2 

Hear people open up about their stories of brain conditions for the first time on a public stage.

Want to get involved in another way? Reach out or Sponsor the Open Weekend!

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