The Hackathon Michelin-ISIMA is open to all students from Clermont-Ferrand. The challenge will be to develop a web -, mobile app or IoT that will revolutionize the Euromaster client experience.…
Tnooz is the leading provider of news and analysis about global digital travel economy. The THack series brings together developers, entrepreneurs and innovators to invent the future of travel. Join T…
Blockchain University provides courses & idea incubation on blockchain technologies. Sessions are taught by seasoned instructors & founders of SV funded startups. Find out more about Blockchain Univer…
Travailler à la juste place des femmes dans la société et l’entreprise d’aujourd’hui, promouvoir la mixité en utilisant les technologies du numérique, ça vous dit ?
Porteur d’idées, designer, dével…