Sowing results 6 out of 6
Connectathon 2022: Building pathways into technology
21 Jul - 09:00 AM
Brisbane, Australia
Two-week trip to London + over $60k in cash prizes
Student or recent graduate techies in Brisbane and throughout Queensland! Entain Australia invites you to sign up to take part in Connectathon 2022, where you'll get to make a difference in your community by creating a technology connection for an under-represented group. Chose your challenge from one of the following:
Break down barriers faced by women,
Connect Indigenous and First Nations people with tech, or
Create an inclusive gaming solution.
Collaborate and compete for prizes including a two-week trip to London and a cash prize pool of over $60k.
Advice on Connectathon 2022 participation is available on our hackathon tips page!
Hack my Flat
24 Jun - 07:00 PM
Rejoignez-nous pour un hackathon en ligne de 48h pour aider la Fondation iad et le mieux-logement. On vous dit tout 👇
Le challenge :
48h pour imaginer et créer des solutions qui répondent aux enjeux du mieux-logement en France. Lutter contre la précarité énergétique, aider à financer ou adapter son logement, faciliter l’insertion par le logement, etc. Choisissez votre cause et défendez-la en créant la meilleure solution lors du hackathon !
Hack my Flat se déroulera en ligne, sur la plateforme WorkAdventure pour une expérience 100% immersive et connectée.
Rencontrez les Ă©quipes :
iad est la première licorne française de l’immobilier en ligne ; venez les rencontrer, une équipe dynamique et des nouveaux projets à foison !
Qui peut participer ?
Hack my Flat est un hackathon solidaire ouvert à tous les profils tech ! Pour la réalisation des projets, les profils suivants sont grandement appréciés : web developers, products managers / products owners, UX/UI designers, data engineers / data scientists, cloud engineers et digital marketers.
Et les prix ?
1er prix : 4 000€
2ème prix : 2 000€
3ème prix : 1 000€
Et on reste solidaires, car chaque équipe gagnante pourra reverser l’équivalent de la somme remportée à une association de son choix !
En bref :
Hackathon en ligne les 24-26 juin
Créer des solutions pour le mieux logement pour la Fondation iad
Huawei Global App Innovation Contest
24 Jun - 04:27 PM
Think you can reach millions and get worldwide recognition by being one of the top developers this fall at Apps UP - HUAWEIS' GLOBAL APP INNOVATION CONTEST? Then register today and get the shot to compete towards the €200k EUROPEAN prize pool. With multiple categories to choose from, YOU can come out victorious.
Where? Online
Check out the hackathon website HERE for more information
MEGA Health Jam 2022
24 Jun - 04:00 PM
Orlando, United States
Gaming and health care techies in and around Orlando, Florida! Indienomicon invites you to take part in the MeGa Health Jam. At this two-day event, you'll collaborate with like-minded individuals in the Gaming and Healthcare industries to design and build a rapid prototype app or game that helps improve healthcare.
Find answers to your MeGa Health Jam questions on the hackathon tips page!
Sogeti Green X Game Jam
10 Jun - 08:00 AM
Grab your compass and developer-hero-starter pack, because we’re going on an adventure: the Sogeti Green X Game Jam!
Sogeti, partnering with Intel, is inviting you to their new Game Jam, and we already know it’s going to be a BUMP.
The Green X Game Jam
The mission: 48 hours to create smart games that protect biodiversity. Urban gaming, runner games, gamification... let your creativity flow and embark on a crucial lifelong quest to save the planet — that’s it!
Amazing teamwork with other tech-savvy people like yourself
Work closely with Sogeti and Intel experts who will accompany you for the full 48 hours
Access special professional opportunities
Get your hands on the €10,000prize pool!
The prizes
Green X Game Jam Grand Prize: €5,000
Best Sustainable Game: €2,500
Best Sustainable Code: €2,500
Location:Online | WorkAdventure platform
Who can join?
The Game Jam is open to developers and designers from all over the world — what are you waiting for?
Register now:
Intel DevCloud University Workshops
09 Mar - 10:00 AM
AI based computer vision is projected to make a $144B impact to the global economy by 2028. It’s now a core part of computer science and you’re in a demanding field with career growth for years to come.
Take part in this Hands-On AI Student Workshop to learn to build and deploy AI into applications with the Intel® DevCloud and the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit.
This won’t be a boring lecture series, it will be filled with coding exercises. You’ll learn about different AI-based computer vision use cases, experience tutorials and sample applications and gain access to over 200 free AI models in the Intel® Open Model Zoo. You’ll also have access to the Intel® DevCloud, a cloud development environment to develop projects for school. Join Academic Programs Manager Jay Burris for this actionable learning experience.